Reset Group Username / Password

If you need help resetting your password, we can help by sending you a link to reset it.

Forgot Password ?

  1. Visit Forgot Password.
  2. Select one of the option (E-mail or Phone) to get password recovery code. [Screenshot]
  3. Enter your E-mail or Phone and click Request recovery code.
  4. You will be get recovery code to your selected method (E-mail or Phone). Please find 4 digit recovery code in your Phone / E-mail.
  5. Enter your 4 digit recovery code and click Verify code. [Screenshot]
  6. Final step, Now enter New Password and Confirm New Password. And click Reset Password.
    Make sure that, Password contains: Minimum eight characters, at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character.
  7. You changed password succesfully, please click here to return to rep login.

  8. Forgot Username ?

    1. Visit Forgot Username.
    2. Enter your Group Code.
    3. Select Submit.
    4. Finally you can see your Username along with welcome message.